Friday, September 26, 2008

Mile Run

Today was the mile run.  I have a love / hate feeling towards these days.  I know that it is going to be tough - but I also have an anxious desire to run so that I can see the progress that I've made.  It has been a frustrating couple of weeks since I sprained my ankle.  My speed had slowed down and I was feeling like I wasn't making much progress.  Today I really wanted to get back to where I was at with my time before I injured myself.  So I needed to shave a whole minute off.  Two weeks ago I ran the mile in 13:20... so taking a minute off while running injured was going to be tough.  But thanks to Kenny who paced me the whole time today I was able to complete the mile in 12:20!  YEAH!  I know that it will be tough to get to my goal of under 10 minutes - but I am not giving up.  I know it is possible.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Long Run and a weight loss update.

Yesterday was the long run at boot camp.  There was a time in my life that I would have never been able to run a 5k without stopping.  I would have needed to catch my breath or walk for a little bit.  I am happy to say that yesterday I ran almost the entire time.  The only reason I stopped was for my ankle injury.  I was super tired when it was all over but I was so proud of the fact that I made it. 

So its been a while since I have recorded my weight loss - so far I have lost 14 lbs in boot camp.  I have a way to go to hit my goal - but after a morning like yesterday - I am more committed than ever.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Who are you running for?

I think mom's are known for taking care of everyone but themselves.  I know that at times I have this propensity to think about what the other people in my family need before I think of what I need.  Don't get me wrong - I am all about growing in the virtue of selfless living - but taking care of yourself - even though it may seem selfish... is actually a way to love and bless the different people in your life.  My husband put a little post it note on my Boot Camp Food Journal this morning that said "You're there today for someone other than you."  I thought about that while I was sprinting up and down the baseball field in the dark - I was running today for my kids.  I want to be an energetic and healthy mom.  Not the kind of mom that can't keep up with her kids.  I want to be a role model to my kids of health and wholeness.  So today not only did I run for me - I also ran for my 2 darling little kids....

Who do you run for?

Boot Camp Baby

Thought this was a cute picture of my little boot camp girl in her pink camo.  I know every parent thinks their kid is cute - but come on... she really is!

Monday, September 15, 2008

5:00 am wake up call

Last night i went to bed setting my 2 alarms for 5:00am - It felt so good to get up and go to boot camp.  I was out last week with a nasty case of strep throat and a business trip to Michigan.  It has been frustrating to feel like the past month has been so inconsistent between the sprained ankle and travel and getting sick I have missed way to many 5am wake up calls.

We ran the half way mile today and again I was frustrated over my slow time.  Coming back from an injury has been harder than thought - but I felt good running and my motivation is high to get back into the swing of it.  So I'm off to setting my 2 alarms again for boot camp.
Good Night!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Back to Boot Camp!

I found myself standing in the huddle of boot campers this morning at 5:45 am experiencing that nervous / excited energy about the baseline test that was about to begin.  I have been out for 3 weeks with an ankle injury.  It was so good to return today.  It was great to see the instructors and boot camp friends.  I drove over to the park and had a good conversation with myself. (YES - I often have inner conversations with myself  :-)  I reminded myself of my goals, I pushed the fear out of my head that I was going to get injured again, and I committed to the discipline of taking care of my body.  For many years I would tell myself on Sunday nights - tomorrow I am going to work out - or tomorrow I am going to eat healthy.  I would do good for a few days and then I would miss a workout or cheat and eat something bad - and then I would not get back onto my plan... I would just fall back into the emotional ease of being lazy or undisciplined with my diet.  I can honestly say that last night while I was setting my shoes out for boot camp... I had that old thought - but I pushed through and set the alarm and got up... and I am so glad I did.  It was hard to run and I have a bit of a hill to climb before I am back to 100% physical capacity - but I am so glad that I pushed through and showed up today.