If you are struggling with getting out of your comfort zone - keep going... its on the other side where you really start to grow and experience the reward.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Comfort Zone
Today's workout was tough. The goal was to get us out of our comfort zone - and about 10 minutes into the workout I could feel myself hitting that comfort zone wall... But I am happy to say that I pushed through and kept going. It is amazing to me what kinds of personal insight can be gained all from a 45 minute workout in the dark. So often in life when the clouds start to settle in on us and life gets hard - we tend to fall back into old habits, give up on commitments that we've made, forget that a dream is worth fighting for - we start to feel like we are in the dark... But I can honestly say that it is in those moments when we need to push the hardest and look for the light that is always there. Today I pushed through and I want to keep pushing.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
My car had a message for me...
When I stepped out the door this morning and into the car I noticed that the temperature was quite different from the past couple of months of boot camp. Here is what I saw. That's right 40 degrees. I was prepared with gloves, hat, long sleeve shirt and jacket. We had the long run today and I am happy to say that there was only one moment during the 3.5 mile run that I walked for a moment. It felt great to get to the end and think back to the last long run - I could tell that I have made improvements.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
I'm Back
It has been a while since I have posted on here. Life has been a little crazy. I have been at boot camp when I am in town - and trying to keep up with the meal plan - but I will be honest the traveling for my job has made it tough and I feel like I have been in a bit of a slump. I am actually really excited to get back to boot camp tomorrow. I am craving the consistency and accountability. When I would start diets in the past - if I had a bad day I would make excuses and not get back on my program. So I am not going to fall back into the same old trap. I know that I can take off this baby weight and I am committed to doing it.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Mile Run
Today was the mile run. I have a love / hate feeling towards these days. I know that it is going to be tough - but I also have an anxious desire to run so that I can see the progress that I've made. It has been a frustrating couple of weeks since I sprained my ankle. My speed had slowed down and I was feeling like I wasn't making much progress. Today I really wanted to get back to where I was at with my time before I injured myself. So I needed to shave a whole minute off. Two weeks ago I ran the mile in 13:20... so taking a minute off while running injured was going to be tough. But thanks to Kenny who paced me the whole time today I was able to complete the mile in 12:20! YEAH! I know that it will be tough to get to my goal of under 10 minutes - but I am not giving up. I know it is possible.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
The Long Run and a weight loss update.
Yesterday was the long run at boot camp. There was a time in my life that I would have never been able to run a 5k without stopping. I would have needed to catch my breath or walk for a little bit. I am happy to say that yesterday I ran almost the entire time. The only reason I stopped was for my ankle injury. I was super tired when it was all over but I was so proud of the fact that I made it.
So its been a while since I have recorded my weight loss - so far I have lost 14 lbs in boot camp. I have a way to go to hit my goal - but after a morning like yesterday - I am more committed than ever.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Who are you running for?
I think mom's are known for taking care of everyone but themselves. I know that at times I have this propensity to think about what the other people in my family need before I think of what I need. Don't get me wrong - I am all about growing in the virtue of selfless living - but taking care of yourself - even though it may seem selfish... is actually a way to love and bless the different people in your life. My husband put a little post it note on my Boot Camp Food Journal this morning that said "You're there today for someone other than you." I thought about that while I was sprinting up and down the baseball field in the dark - I was running today for my kids. I want to be an energetic and healthy mom. Not the kind of mom that can't keep up with her kids. I want to be a role model to my kids of health and wholeness. So today not only did I run for me - I also ran for my 2 darling little kids....
Who do you run for?
Boot Camp Baby
Monday, September 15, 2008
5:00 am wake up call
Last night i went to bed setting my 2 alarms for 5:00am - It felt so good to get up and go to boot camp. I was out last week with a nasty case of strep throat and a business trip to Michigan. It has been frustrating to feel like the past month has been so inconsistent between the sprained ankle and travel and getting sick I have missed way to many 5am wake up calls.
We ran the half way mile today and again I was frustrated over my slow time. Coming back from an injury has been harder than thought - but I felt good running and my motivation is high to get back into the swing of it. So I'm off to setting my 2 alarms again for boot camp.
Good Night!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Back to Boot Camp!
I found myself standing in the huddle of boot campers this morning at 5:45 am experiencing that nervous / excited energy about the baseline test that was about to begin. I have been out for 3 weeks with an ankle injury. It was so good to return today. It was great to see the instructors and boot camp friends. I drove over to the park and had a good conversation with myself. (YES - I often have inner conversations with myself :-) I reminded myself of my goals, I pushed the fear out of my head that I was going to get injured again, and I committed to the discipline of taking care of my body. For many years I would tell myself on Sunday nights - tomorrow I am going to work out - or tomorrow I am going to eat healthy. I would do good for a few days and then I would miss a workout or cheat and eat something bad - and then I would not get back onto my plan... I would just fall back into the emotional ease of being lazy or undisciplined with my diet. I can honestly say that last night while I was setting my shoes out for boot camp... I had that old thought - but I pushed through and set the alarm and got up... and I am so glad I did. It was hard to run and I have a bit of a hill to climb before I am back to 100% physical capacity - but I am so glad that I pushed through and showed up today.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Confession & Craving
Ok - I am craving to go back to Boot Camp. I never thought I would want my alarm to go off at 5am but being out of the rhythm of boot camp over the last 2 weeks has been frustrating. I am such a creature of rhythm and when my schedule is off and my rhythm is not consistent I have a hard time staying on track... so here is my confession. This weekend I made cookies with my son... and Yes I had some. I am going to see Dr. Steve tomorrow - I am so hoping that he tells me that I can start running.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Core Class
Since I can't run in boot camp right now I am taking CORE classes this week at the studio. Even though its been 3 months since I had Gigi my abdominal muscles are still quite weak so its great that I can target theses muscles for a while. I am encouraged because 6 weeks after the baby I couldn't even hold an a bridge for more than 5 seconds and I can now hold onto it for about 30 seconds before I start to get that desire to want to drop to my knees - but I hold on as long as I can. The Core class with Heather was great last night. I am off to see Dr. Steve again today - hoping my ankle continues to get stronger so that I can be back in boot camp by September.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Ice Ice Baby
I went to see Dr. Steve LaScala today and he did some of his miracle healing. He did a bunch of stretches and massage work and then hooked me up to some electrical pulses for a while. It is feeling a ton better but I am going to be doing quite a bit of Icing and Heat therapy for the next 10 to 14 days. I am trying to not get discouraged. I felt like I made a ton of progress over the past 6 weeks and its hard to have to now deal with an injury like this. But I am committed! So I will be in the studio at the CORE classes and then on to some Interval classes. Hopefully I will be back at boot camp at the start of September.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
11 lb Baby... 11 lbs Lost in Boot Camp
Gigi is weighing in at around 11 lbs and I weighed myself today and that is the same amount of weight that I have lost since I started boot camp. That equals out to about 1.5 to 2 lbs a week. I am feeling better each day. Of course I am like every other woman on the planet... I wish I could loose 10 lbs in a week - but I know that is not healthy and the weight will go right back on. Losing weight through exercise and healthy eating is the best way to do it and I am proud of my 11 lbs and I am in love with my 11 lb baby!
On the road again...
I am sitting in the ATL airport getting ready to head out on another trip. No surprise my flight is delayed so I am sitting in a Starbucks trying to get some work done. Its funny to me how my snacking craves have changed. In the past I would have sat here with a fancy drink loaded with calories while munching on some sort of pastry to tie me over... but now I think ahead and fill my purse with Zone Perfect Bars and raw almonds to snack on if I get hungry. Changing the way I eat has really been more about changing the the way I think. Planning ahead has been an important mental shift. If I just sort of go with the flow of the day its harder to find something healthy to eat. But if I think ahead and plan out a menu I usually end up making good decisions. Another helpful mental shift has been pausing before giving into a weak moment and asking myself - "Do you really want to feel lethargic after eating that muffin?" I also have to plan out my times of exercise while travelling. If I don't put it into my schedule (almost like a meeting I can't miss) I will end up missing my workout. I am really hoping to be able to run tomorrow. I took the past 2 days off to let my ankle heal. I am wearing a brace on it to help reduce the swelling.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Twisted Ankle
Today at boot camp while running backwards I fell while going over one of the uneven parts of the field and twisted my ankle pretty bad. It has continued to swell throughout the day. So lots of ice and elevation for me. I'm hoping it is better by tomorrow - although I'm a little worried to run on it. Here is a picture of it - divert your eyes from the toes that are in need of a pedicure in the worst way.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Chicago and back to Boot Camp
Last week we went up to Chicago for 5 days. We had a great time seeing family and friends. I got to tell everyone about what I am doing in Boot Camp... they could not believe that my alarm goes off at 5 am every day - especially since I have a new baby. I was surprised with myself - I ate really well for the most part... except for the big cheat - Chicago Style Pizza. So today as I had to stay for extra credit after a killer workout - I kept asking myself - was that piece of pizza really worth it? (Actually if you have ever had REAL chicago style pizza then you know the answer is a resounding YES!) It was good to get back to boot camp today and of course there is no pizza for me anymore. :-)
Friday, August 1, 2008
End of the First Month
Friday was the end of the first month. I woke up multiple times throughout the night on thursday because I kept thinking about the mile run. I so wanted to get my time under 12:30 - but I also didn't want to set an expectation that I would not be able to meet.
The temp. was perfect on Friday. Not too humid and there was a breeze in the quiet air. I felt rested and ready. We first did our Sit-ups and Push-ups. I improved significantly.
Starting Sit-ups 26 - Ending Sit-ups 42
Starting Pushups 47 - Ending Pushups 60
Then we ran the mile. I started out well. I was trying to pace myself and keep a steady breathing pattern. After the first lap I was tired but determined. One of the boot camp instructors ran with me the whole time and another camper kept me encouraged throughout the run. After I got up that hill the second time I picked up my pace and was able to fall into a nice sprint towards the finish line.
So here are my times over the past month.
My starting time was 14:57 (4 weeks ago)
Mid-way time was 13:37 (2 weeks ago)
4 weeks into boot camp 12:15!!!!
I shaved 2 minutes and 42 seconds off of my time. I felt great. To think that I just had a baby 2 1/2 months ago and I was able to run the mile in that time was very encouraging! I have a long way to go to get in the 9 minute range... but I have the next 5 months to get there.
At the end of the first month I weighed myself. I started boot camp weighing 184 lbs. On the last day of camp I weighed 175. 9lbs in the first month! YEAH!!!! My pre-pregnancy clothes are coming!!!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
The Dirty South
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Missed Boot Camp
I missed boot camp today - Was not feeling well when I woke up. I am bummed because today was the long run and I was really looking forward to seeing how I responded to running a 5k. It is crazy to me that I wanted to actually run a 5k. In the past I would dread the thought of running for 45 minutes straight.
So I am going to go to the studio tonight to attend an interval class. I will be back at boot camp bright and early tomorrow morning.
Monday, July 28, 2008
4th week of Boot Camp
Monday is always the hardest day of boot camp. After 2 days of not getting up at the crack of dawn my alarm is never welcomed with a a warm good morning when it goes off. Today we did the Tour of hills at boot camp. It was very hot and humid and about 10 minutes into the workout I felt myself struggling to push past my comfort zone. I so wanted to walk, to catch my breath, but somehow I kept going.
Doing boot camp has been so good for me during the emotional roller coaster of adding another baby into our family. The adjustment has been harder than I thought it would be. Gigi has reflux and has quite a few fussy times in the day. Our first baby was so easy - so this has been a big change. Being able to go and exercise first thing in the morning has been so good for me. I find that when I am feeling good about myself and making healthy decisions about what I eat and how I spend my time it directly reflects in how I parent our kids.
I'm a little nervous about the long run that I know is coming this week and the mile run on Friday... hoping my time improves again.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Leadership Lessons
Yesterday was quite a workout... It's 24 hours later and I am still recovering. We ran around a perimeter of cones the entire workout and each time Mari blew the whistle we were instructed to either sprint or perform a certain exercise. I'm not sure how many times I made it around the circle but I will say the last few times around I wasn't sure I was going to make it... but somehow I did. One of the main things that kept me going was the amazing boot camp instructors. I am blown away by their support, encouragement, and belief in me. They know every boot camper by name and I honestly believe they want me to succeed.
One of the things that I love most about boot camp is not just how I am changing my life when it comes to exercise and eating but how I am growing as a leader. I love to watch Mari lead her team of instructors and each of the boot campers. She is an absolutely dynamic leader. She does not stand on an elevated platform barking out commands - she gets right in with her instructors and campers and leads us by example. She is constantly inspiring, she makes people believe in themselves and their hidden potential, she is relentless with helping each of us reach our goals, I see her pushing herself and when I watch her I know that she is doing what she was born to do... she leads with passion and conviction.
As a leader in a very different line of work I have been challenged by Mari to lead others with that same kind of vigor and tenacity. To make sure that the people that look to me for direction and leadership know that I am with them and for them and that I want them to flourish. Thanks Mari for how you inspire me as a leader.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Making Progress
On Monday we had our midway mile run. When I started 2 weeks ago I was at 14:57. When I ran the mile on Monday I was still just as tired but I completed it in 13:37. It felt so good to shave over a minute off of my time. I still have a long way to go but it is so rewarding to see little victories. Its crazy to me that as I am changing so is our little girl. She was 11 weeks old on Monday and she is getting so big. In fact she just rolled over for the first time.
Friday, July 18, 2008
No more burgers for me.
My family is in town for the weekend and one of the things we love to do as a family is eat. So tonight we had a huge BBQ and I am so proud of myself... I had a turkey burger, on a healthy wheat bun and watermelon and I felt fine. Don't get me wrong... passing the seasoned french fries, buttery corn on the cob, and brownies to the person sitting next to me was not easy but I feel so satisfied that I let the food pass. Changing my eating habits is going to be a huge shift for me. I not only need to loose the weight that I gained during my pregnancy - but I need to develop better eating patterns for my life. I am working hard to count my calories daily and record my protein and fiber. I need to normally have around 1200 calories for the weight loss but because I am breast feeding I also need to consume and extra 600 calories a day... So this next week I will record a couple of my daily food journals.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Fire Hydrants Galore
Today was the Killer Fire Hydrant workout. Oh my gosh - I can't believe how sore I am tonight. After literally hundreds of fire hydrants and donkey kicks I am not sure when I will be able to walk up my stairs with out being in pain. It was a great work out and even though I am sore and tired - I am feeling good. It is amazing to me that after 3 days of boot camp I can already tell there is a shift in my attitude. I have such a better perspective about myself and about life when I am taking the time each day to work out, eat right, and get enough sleep (which I am still not doing).
Doing boot camp with a 2 1/2 year old and a brand new 2 month old baby has been a juggling act. My husband Jarrett (who has also survived boot camp) has been Amazing! He is up with the baby when I leave in the morning and getting our little guy breakfast when I come home from boot camp.
Tomorrow is an off day from Boot Camp but I am headed to the studio for an interval workout at 6am. A dry mat will be nice since the fields have been wet and the air is humid and filled with bugs.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
2nd day of bootcamp
I made it through the second day of boot camp. When I walked in the door my 2 1/2 year old commented on how messy I was. He asked if I spent the morning rolling around in the mud?
Starting out with 45 push-ups, being out of breath after the warm up, running up dew covered hills - forwards and backwards, sweat dripping into my eyes, these are a few of my favorite moments from my second day back...
On another note I am drinking so much water I feel like I'm pregnant again - Feeling like I need to go to the bathroom every 30 minutes
The soreness is kicking in and my normal activities of walking up and down the stairs and lifting a 2 month old baby are much harder today than they were on Sunday... BUT I'm glad they are hard because it reminds me that I am doing something that will make a huge difference.
I can do this, I CAN DO THIS!
Monday, July 7, 2008
First Day Back to Boot Camp
Today was the first day back at boot camp. Standing around the dark parking lot waiting for the baseline test to begin was both nerve racking and exciting. My heart was pounding thinking about that mile run... going up that hill twice - YIKES! I haven't run since I was about 3 months pregnant. I am so ready to get back in shape. As I was rounding that last corner I felt my energy kick in and my excitement was rising knowing that I was almost done.
Here are my times and my goals.
Mile Run 14:57
1 Minute sit-ups 26
1 Minute push-ups 47 (half facilitated)
I am strangely excited about tomorrow morning... I am determined and committed to the eating plan and to being at blackburn every morning by 5:45am.
Till tomorrow.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Twas the night before Boot Camp
Twas the night before boot camp and I am so nervous. I'm not nervous because I don't know what to expect - actually I know exactly what is coming. The alarm going off at 5am, the thought of hitting snooze, walking through a quiet house hoping not to wake anyone, pulling up to blackurn,
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Fitness Plan - Weeks Immediately After Baby
Our baby is here and we have just been re-adjusting to life with a new born. She was born 2 weeks ago 5/5/08 – a Cinco De Mayo baby – believe me I was ready for a margarita once she came out. Labor was good and fast. She came out in about 2 pushes... Her name is Genevieve Grace and we call her gigi. I am glad to be home and to not be pregnant anymore :-)I am soooo excited about this plan. I am going to gather up all of the things that you suggested. Pictures of before, during and after being pregnant, I will write down all of my stats of weight, how I am feeling, goals, etc. I could have Jarrett do a video of me this week if you want or I could come over tot he studio if you want to do it and we could meet to talk about the exercise and eating plan. Let me know what you prefer.I went on a walk yesterday (1 mile with a couple of good hills) it felt good but I realized that I have a tough road in front of me... But I am soo committed and give you complete permission to kick my ass!
Friday, April 4, 2008
Before Baby
Hi Mari
I am really excited about this idea.
Here is what I am thinking - let me know what you think.
The baby really could come any day... But if she does not decide to come on her own they are going to induce me on May 9 (2 weeks). Most Drs. Say to wait 6 weeks after a baby is born to do intense exercises. So I was thinking sometime in the month of June we could start my "Returning to me"
journey on the website... I could write out my story, we could post up some before pictures (that I take this week - and right before I go into the hospital and right when I get out) maybe do a video like you suggested...
In June I could start some personal light exercise (walking, maybe some classes at the studio) so that my body is not thrown into shock when I start boot camp in July.
Then I was thinking of coming to boot camp July, August, & September. I would be willing to do whatever you think would help the boot camp company - blogs, videos, whatever. People could follow the story on the web-site. I could post up my goals and my commitment to the program. Put up some of my food journals, etc.
My hope is that people (specifically women trying to get back into shape) will go to the web-site and be inspired and realize that they can be healthy and strong and sign up to go to a boot camp class.
Let me know what you are thinking if you want to do some sort of interview this week.
I am sooo looking forward to it.
I am really excited about this idea.
Here is what I am thinking - let me know what you think.
The baby really could come any day... But if she does not decide to come on her own they are going to induce me on May 9 (2 weeks). Most Drs. Say to wait 6 weeks after a baby is born to do intense exercises. So I was thinking sometime in the month of June we could start my "Returning to me"
journey on the website... I could write out my story, we could post up some before pictures (that I take this week - and right before I go into the hospital and right when I get out) maybe do a video like you suggested...
In June I could start some personal light exercise (walking, maybe some classes at the studio) so that my body is not thrown into shock when I start boot camp in July.
Then I was thinking of coming to boot camp July, August, & September. I would be willing to do whatever you think would help the boot camp company - blogs, videos, whatever. People could follow the story on the web-site. I could post up my goals and my commitment to the program. Put up some of my food journals, etc.
My hope is that people (specifically women trying to get back into shape) will go to the web-site and be inspired and realize that they can be healthy and strong and sign up to go to a boot camp class.
Let me know what you are thinking if you want to do some sort of interview this week.
I am sooo looking forward to it.
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